Hello there,
So glad you’re here, and that it’s Friday…
Grab a coffee, and take a quick break, because this edition we’re taking it slow. It may not have been a slow start to the year, but has the pandemic made you slow down? Has it made you think? Has it made you re-think the way you dress?
Taking it slow in the fast lane
We had the pleasure of speaking with top Kenyan designer Deepa Dosaja. Her environmental consciousness around fashion and design has inspired us from the start. In our Q&A this edition, in conversation with Deepa Dosaja, we ask: has the pandemic really made us think more about slow fashion, and what that really means?
“The ultimate dream of young designers is to design large quantities, but is it really sustainable and is it really important? We have to ask ourselves why we’re making clothes, and for me, it’s to give comfort and beauty to my clients, and for them to get to know us.”
- Deepa Dosaja.
Would you spend a little more on a tailored item, and buy fewer of them throughout the year? Well we should, thinks Deepa, and we’re inclined to agree. Fewer, more timeless, thoughtful pieces and classic designs.
That’s what the slow fashion movement is all about. Check out the discussion and here’s a snapshot of her work on runways around the world, from Nairobi to London to New York. All images ©Deepa Dosaja.
#FashionFridays… grab your bikini
We’re lucky to be basking in the sun here in Kenya at this time of year. So if a trip to the coast is on your February calendar, you know where to get your swim wear… On the British Council’s Creative DNA pages - featuring some very creative fashion entrepreneurs in Kenya - is Ohana Swimwear. Read her story here.
“Birthed from a desire to get local swimwear and a shortage of places to even begin the search, Neema Nkatha decided to take it into her own hands and create a line of swimwear that would be available to the local market and speak to the local context. “ © Ohana Swimwear
Check out some truly inspired designs on the Ohana website before you head towards the sea.
What’s your take?
Our focus is on sustainable fashion and how we can forge ahead in that space in Kenya, tackling challenges and opportunities as they arise. Are you a brand? We’d love to talk to you to capture your take and share it with others. Let’s build this community together. Email us at info@akaziafrica.com to be included in future editions or just to give us your feedback.
Coming up…
Of course, February is the month of love. Get your other half a gift yet? Fear not… check out the Valentine’s market in Karen at the Hub from February 12th at 9am to February 14th at 9pm. We’ll be there too.
Also in Karen, why not head over to the Tamambo Flea Market on February 13th from 11am - 5pm for some last minute gifts.
So we had a bit of a technical hitch last week, pole, and going forward the newsletter will come out on the first and third of each month. You can find out more about our brand and work over at AkaziAfrica.com.